Defining happiness is not always easy



Brent Vandekerckhove

Financial Advisor & Associate Portfolio Manager


Your needs, and those of your family are of the highest priority at RGF Integrated Wealth
Management.  We pride ourselves on always having the best interests of our clients at the forefront of every decision made. Listening to what our clients need is extremely important to us individually, and collectively as a team, and allows us to truly understand your financial goals, hopes, and dreams. We take the time to truly listen and engage in a helpful and meaningful way with our clients. 

Our role is to ask questions; to gain a greater appreciation for you and your financial needs. To understand your financial goals, address concerns that may exist in your life and provide solid and beneficial advice on how to manage— -then recommend the best possible solution.

Defining happiness is not always easy, and what makes people uniquely happy may differ for each person.  By asking the important questions, and gaining confidence and respect, we aim to be extremely aware of what makes our clients happy. Our role as a trusted financial advisors is paramount in helping our clients achieve financial well being, which in turn, provides clients them with happiness and peace of mind.

Trust, knowledge, professionalism, attention to detail and client service are what we aim to
provide each client who walks in our doors. The end goal is to exceed every possible
expectation important to you. Simply put, we really get to know you, so we can build the best plan for you.
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Knowing where you are translates into knowing where you’re going, and we hope to provide every client with the trust and confidence to navigate through the waters of their financial lives.

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