Planning Strategies

Below are some key planning strategies one should investigate if you are a business owner or incorporated professional.

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Corporate Readiness Checklist
The most overlooked area of financial planning for business owners and incorporated professionals (such as doctors and lawyers) is the lack of integrating corporate and personal assets. When the majority of your assets are in your corporation you need very specific, specialized and personalized financial advice.

  • Have you organized your corporate assets to maximize the tax-free benefits of your Capital Dividend Account? (CDA Planning)

  • Have you investigated the benefits of an Individual Pension Plan (IPP)? The super-sized RRSP that allows tax deductible deposits greater than traditional RRSP limits.

  • Have you explored the long-term tax benefits of a Family Trust?

  • Have you explored the “purification process”, to determine if your business will be eligible for the Qualified Small Business Capital Gains Exemption

  • Have you developed a plan to maximize the after-tax sale-value of your business?

  • What steps have you taken with your corporate assets to limit the negative impact of Passive Corporate Income Tax Rules?

Your largest annual expenses are your personal and corporate taxes. At RGF, we liaise with accountants and lawyers in each stage of your business to ensure you keep more of what you and your business earn. Business owners and incorporated professionals have a unique and specific set of opportunities and challenges that warrant unique planning needs. We value your time and work on finding the most efficient portfolio and tax minimization solutions. We understand because we’re business owners too.