Can You Hear Me Now?



Mark Neufeld

Financial Advisor, Portfolio Manager, Director


As I reflect on the past 12 months since this global pandemic was officially declared, there is one phrase (other than pivot), I think we’ve all heard many times…

Can You Hear Me Now?

At the start of nearly every virtual meeting, I’m sure you’ve all heard these words.

Or you may have even said these words, as I have on many occasions.

For me, this phrase opens a deeper conversation.

The amount of learning we’ve all had to do this past year is unreal.

On behalf of the entire firm, I want to thank you for being so patient and so willing to join us on this learning journey.

We fully recognize that adapting to the virtual meeting environment has not been easy. It seems like everyone uses their own virtual meeting platform, whether it be Zoom, Go To Meeting, Teams, Webex, to name a few. All work slightly differently, and every day I’m so amazed how patient you’ve been to work through these growing pains. Thank you.

Virtual meetings are here to stay in many facets of our lives. From shopping for a new vehicle to meeting with your family doctor.

Our profession is no different.

When it is safe to do so we will happily invite you for a coffee in our office for a real-life face-to-face meeting. Having said that, we recognize virtual meetings will remain as an option to connect with you – our valued clients.

It’s been said repeatedly that 2020 was an unprecedented year. And it’s true, starting with the onset of the coronavirus pandemic to the economic crisis to the market recovery, and now a light at the end of the tunnel with the rollout of vaccines across the world. One of the most challenging things about the past 12 months was the lack of control we had around the pandemic and the changes it presented to our way of life. I was constantly reminded that we can’t control the world around us, we can only control our reaction to it.

A lot has changed since last spring, including the nature of our conversations with you. I have found over these past 12 months I‘ve been having deeper conversations with clients about what really matters in life.
Questions such as: How are you feeling? What do you value? What are your concerns? Where are you challenged? Have become more common.

Spring is a good time to examine and improve some of life’s fundamentals.

I think we should all feel OK to laugh at ourselves. Having said that, here’s hoping none of us end up with a cat filter stuck on during any future virtual meetings – ha ha. ■

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