Giving Back to Make a Difference


I have been actively involved with charitable organizations for the past 19 years, but I have been charitably-minded my whole life. The concept of giving back is something that I hold as a personal core value and I cherish that the rest of my colleagues at Rogers Group Financial feel the same way. It definitely made joining the firm almost 5 years ago a smooth transition.

I believe so strongly in charitable involvement because I want to leave the world a better place than I found it. I have made a personal goal that, throughout my lifetime, the work that I have done and will do will generate over one billion dollars for charities across Canada.

People often associate the ideal of giving back as a monetary transaction, but it definitely does not need to be.

I want to leave you with some thoughts and ideas – monetarily and otherwise - of ways that you can work with us to make a difference for future generations.

  • Volunteer – donated dollars can go the farthest when charities do not need to pay for all of the work that  is required to organize an event or activity. An hour of your time a month can go a very long way in helping get food on someone’s plate or a local park cleaned up. At Rogers Group Financial, we allow staff to take an annual paid day off to volunteer their time with an organization of their choice.
  • Get involved politically – if there is a cause you care about, go to your city meetings, speak with your MLAs, and give that cause a face and a voice. The louder you are, the more you will be heard.
  • Name a charity as a beneficiary – whether you include them in your Will or name them as a beneficiary on a life insurance policy, the gift you leave after you are gone will be greatly appreciated and it is one last chance to show your support.
  • Give blood and register as an organ donor – these need no explanation.
  • Donate your gently-used clothing, toys, books, and technology – there are always people in need of the things that we may take for granted.


There are so many ways in which we can give back and so many causes that could use our support. After deciding how to allocate your giving back – anything from volunteering at a soup kitchen, to donating to the Ride to Conquer Cancer, or even mowing your elderly neighbor’s lawn – I suggest that you share what you are doing with others.

As was evident with the Ice Bucket Challenge, when we can see and hear about the things that our peers are doing, we are more likely to get involved. Spreading the word of your charitable involvement can help in the growth of the cause you are involved in, but it can also start the discussion of your friends and family’s charitable ambitions – hopefully like I am doing right now.

Let’s all get out there and make the world a better place.

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