Four Focus Points for a Successful Portfolio



Chris Eynon

Financial Advisor, Portfolio Manager and Director


The balance of any successful portfolio should consider the following:

1. Liquidity : It is important to consider various positions of liquidity in an investment portfolio. A liquid asset is one that can be converted to cash quickly and easily while retaining its market value. Having an amount of money set aside for short term objectives such as trips, financial hardship or emergencies is of great importance. Your advisor will recommend the best low risk option to insure you have these objectives satisfied.

2. Income : Typically, in retirement the most important thing is cash flow or retirement income. Your advisor will plan for this by keeping funds available and immunized from market variability. This ensures that you can be more focused on your retirement and less on the vagaries of the stock markets

3. Preservation of Capital: Assets should hold their real value over time. There are many investments your advisor will implement in your portfolio that can serve as a hedge against inflation.

4. Growth:  Assets that are focused on increasing an investors capital and strategies that are expected to generate higher future investment returns fall into this category. Depending on your risk tolerance and both short and long term objectives, your advisor will consider Growth when constructing your portfolio.

When constructing a balanced and diversified portfolio, your Financial Advisor will consider all four of the above strategies.


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