Reaching Our Goals



Cecilia Tsang

Financial Advisor & Portfolio Manager


Recently I was sick after coming back from a trip.  This was the first time my husband and I traveled together without the children and I was looking forward to spending quality time with them upon my return.  However, during this time, I was so exhausted every day that although I was physically present at home with my kids, I wasn’t truly present with them as I could barely function. Although I was thankful that they are now quite independent and can physically pretty much do everything on their own, it was still emotionally difficult for me to be lying in bed, weak, and not really being able to move, while they fed themselves and got themselves ready for bed..

After some contemplation, I compared some of my goals to this situation: these are specific goals where I am present, but not truly present, and the results of my goals have been sorely lacking.  Normally, when I set a goal, I am quite determined and I tend to reach all my goals.  I am currently enrolled in a health-improvement course and have just realized that although I am present in person, reading all the lessons, I have not really been taking the daily teachings to heart which, of course, hasn’t led to much improvement in health.  The intention is there, but maybe my heart isn’t.  What is it about this particular goal that is different?  Why am I taking the time to read all the lessons without determination to implement what I’ve learned?

I now realize that maybe I’m like this with some other goals.  I’ve been meaning to redo my Will, Power of Attorney, and Representation Agreement for a few years now.  Why hasn’t it been done?  This is one area I encourage each client to take steps towards in annual reviews...why do I drag my feet on this?

Is this what some of us are like with our financial goals too?  Maybe underneath it all, we have good intentions of making changes with our cash flow, but because we haven’t really embraced the goal and haven’t been truly present in the goal and do, change hasn’t happened. 

As my energy is finally improving, I am again intentionally trying hard to be present with my children.  Last night, for the first time in a long time, I had the energy to piggy-back them to their rooms like I normally do.  While doing this, I decided to review all the other things I have been lethargic about...and decided that it’s time to spring into action with bursts of new energy to decide which goals are truly worthwhile pursuing, and to intentionally work on these goals, taking the right steps to action.

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